
Customer Harassment Response Policy


Lion Corporation and its domestic affiliated companies (hereinafter, the domestic Lion Group) provide safe, high-quality products and services and conduct business activities that improve satisfaction from the customer perspective based on the purpose, “Make a difference in everyday lives by redesigning habits (ReDesign).”
The inquiries, feedback and requests we receive from customers, business partners and others (hereinafter, customers, etc.) represent valuable opportunities to obtain useful information to improve our products and services as well as their quality.
However, there is a possibility that a customer’s request or behavior deviates significantly from what is considered appropriate by generally accepted societal standards and/or infringes upon the dignity of individuals employed by the domestic Lion Group or engaged in business on its behalf (hereinafter, employed persons) during the course of response.
To ensure a safe work environment that enables such employed persons to work with peace of mind as well as build further trust with customers, the domestic Lion Group has established the following Customer Harassment Response Policy.

■Domestic Lion Group’s Definition of Customer Harassment

The domestic Lion Group defines customer harassment as unreasonable demands and excessive behavior deemed significantly inappropriate by generally accepted societal standards, harmful to the work environment by improperly interfering with the affairs of the domestic Lion Group, or threatening to the safety, including the mental or physical health, of its employees.

Examples of Customer Harassment
Time-restricting behavior (demanding excessively long support, etc.)
Excessive repetitive behavior
Excessive negative statements or conduct
Excessive requests for action without just reason or causal link
Threats, intimidation or violence
Posting slanderous or libelous content to social media, the internet or mass media, or content that damages the credibility of employees
Harassment, etc.

* The above definition of customer harassment is based on the Customer Harassment Prevention Corporate Manual published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

■Basic Approach to Customer Harassment

The domestic Lion Group will engage in rational, reasonable discussions, but reserves the right to suspend or refuse to continue any support in cases determined to constitute customer harassment due to a customer’s requests or behavior in the course of resolving an issue. If the demands or behavior are determined to be malicious, we will take firm action against customer harassment, including making reports to the police and taking legal action.

■Establishment of Customer Harassment Response System

  • Our first priority will be caring for the employed person in case of customer harassment.
  • If the domestic Lion Group determines that a case of customer harassment is particularly unjust or malicious, we will work with the police, lawyers or other parties to resolve the issue.
  • We will strive to ensure that employed persons are equipped with the correct knowledge and awareness of customer harassment.

The domestic Lion Group will continue to provide products and services that earn the satisfaction of its customers, etc. We appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation.

July 1st, 2024
Lion Corporation

Masayuki Takemori

Representative Director,
President and Executive Officer
