
Together with the EnvironmentEnvironmental Communication through Activities

Lion Forest in Yamanashi

In October 2006, we started Yamanashi Prefecture’s first Company Forest Promotion Project through a collaborative agreement with Yamanashi City. This program based in a forest owned by the city, is aimed at fostering environmental awareness among Lion employees by providing experience in the maintenance of forests, which constitute a water resource. Employees engage in forest maintenance as a part of their training while building relationships with members of the local community.

Toothbrush Recycling Program

The Toothbrush Recycling Program is a program to collect used toothbrushes, which are commonly just thrown away as non-recyclable garbage, and recycle them into planters and other new plastic products. Lion launched the program, the first of its kind in Asia, in 2015, in cooperation with TerraCycle Japan.


Participants collect used toothbrushes in various ways. Some set up collection boxes at kids’ centers, day care centers and kindergartens, while others collect toothbrushes as part of classes at schools, teaching children about the significance of the program.


The Recycling Process

Collected used toothbrushes go through several steps in the process of being recycled into planters.


Get Involved

Sign up to participate through this website [Japanese] . The website offers further details about the program and points awarded for toothbrushes collected.


Lion Chura Action

Lion Chura Action is a project to support the eco-activities of children nurturing the future of Okinawa, aimed at protecting and developing the rich ecosystems of the region and achieving lasting harmony with nature.

Rainwater Utilization Ideas Contest

Lion held the Rainwater Utilization Ideas Contest for elementary and middle school students across Japan from 2011 to 2018. The goal of this was to help children realize the importance of water by considering how to use rainwater, a familiar water resource.
