
Together with the EnvironmentEvents and Building Relationships with Communities and External Organizations


Through participation in environmental exhibitions and other events in the regions where its business sites are located, Lion seeks to communicate to consumers ways they can be more environmentally friendly both in the course of daily life and through comfortable, clean living using Lion products. In 2023, Lion exhibited at Environment Fair 2023 (at Edogawa Ward Cultural Center, Tokyo) and Eco Messe in Chiba (at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall).

Environment Fair 2023
Eco Messe in Chiba

We also introduced our toothbrush recycling activities by exhibiting at events held in the Taito and Itabashi wards, Tokyo, where used toothbrushes are collected.

Taito Ward, Tokyo
Itabashi Ward, Tokyo

Building Relationships with Communities and External Organizations

Lion participates in the activities of the Japan Chemical Industry Association Responsible Care (RC) Committee, which aims for constant improvement in the environmental performance and safety of chemical substances throughout their life cycles, from development through disposal.

Responsible Care* Activities at the Chiba and Osaka Plants

As a member company of the Japan Chemical Industry Association RC Committee, Lion proactively engages in dialogue with local communities. Each plant provides opportunities for dialogue suited to the characteristics of its local community to promote communication with community members.

14th Responsible Care Sakai/Senboku Regional Dialogue held in February 2024

The 14th Responsible Care Chiba Regional Dialogue was held in February 2023 via written communication in the form of booklets to curb the spread of COVID-19. Our Chiba Plant participated and cooperated in the meeting from the planning stage. Booklets were distributed with information regarding SGDs supplied by companies in the Chiba area. The booklet was mailed to neighborhood associations, governments, NPOs and other organizations along with a survey to collect opinions. We plan to take the survey's findings into consideration in our future activities.

In addition, the 14th Responsible Care Sakai/Semboku Regional Dialogue was held in February 2024—the first in-person edition of the discussions in four years, with neighborhood associations, neighborhood association councils, and government officials participating following the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the day of the event, our environmental manager reported on the environmental initiatives of Lion and Osaka Plant. In addition, the opinions of event participants were collected through a survey and will be reflected in our future efforts to continuously improve our environmental initiatives.

Moreover, in May 2017, the Chiba Plant received its 11th Responsible Care Award from the Japan Chemical Industry Association for its initiatives to protect the aquatic environment and contribute to the local community. Since the start of its operations, the Chiba Plant has continuously implemented activities to protect the local aquatic environment from water-related risks. The plant’s efforts to purify industrial water for various applications, recycle wastewater used in industrial processes and manage wastewater according to standards stricter than those required by law have led to reductions in water usage and discharge volumes and the conservation of water quality. The award also commended the plant for providing education about the importance of water through initiatives with local children and plant tours.

11th Responsible Care Award Plaque
from the Japan Chemical Industry Association

* Responsible care refers to voluntary management activities performed by companies that handle chemical substances, encompassing the assurance of protections for the environment, safety and health throughout all processes of chemical substance development, manufacturing, distribution, use, final consumption, disposal and recycling as well as the disclosure of the results of such activities and dialogue with society.

Support for Environmental Organizations

Lion supports the following organizations.

Lion is a member of the following organization.

The following organizations, of which we are members, have our support.
