The Cutting Edge of Aspirin Research
Lion is using its research into aspirin’s side effects and a new mechanism of action to develop new products.
Awakening the Power of Your Skin
To realize the skin’s full natural power, Lion develops products that care for and maintain the health of the skin from the inside and out.
Building Communities That Use Water Better
MEE—A surfactant that helps save water and offers high detergency.
The Unknown Power of Saliva
Building on its accumulated oral healthcare research, Lion is investigating saliva.
A New Approach to Bathroom Mold Prevention
A solution that employs fumigation to eliminate mold throughout the bathroom that reaches even spores clinging to the hard-to-clean ceiling.
The Truth about Periodontal Disease
Periodontopathic bacteria that destroy periodontal tissues survive secretly and hardily in oral biofilms deep down in periodontal pockets.
A Farewell to Metabolic Syndrome
The latest findings on lactoferrin, a multifunctional protein that suppresses fat synthesis and promotes fat decomposition.
A Gargle Solution That Doesn’t Harm Ciliary Movement
Lion’s research on the relationship between gargling and ciliary movement resulted in the creation of a new gargle solution.