
Researcher Activities Aimed at Improving Employee Well-Being

Well-Being, According to Lion Researchers

With Lion’s researchers as the focal point, we have defined employee well-being as the ability for each person to realize their own way of working and living through the beneficial cycle of three elements: mental health, physical health and connection with society.

Aims and Challenges to Achieving Well-Being

We believe the design of career paths that allow every employee to handle physical troubles and ailments at every stage of life is crucial to realize ideal well-being for our employees. Therefore, we launched the Well-Being Lounge initiative to help employees to improve their healthcare literacy, through which they gain a proper understanding of their bodies, as well as their career literacy, which helps them design the life they desire for themselves. By making our researchers the focal point of this initiative, we can conduct activities that capture the direct feedback and needs of those in the field. Furthermore, it also allows for the implementation of collaborative measures with medical specialists and healthcare companies by leveraging the connections that can only be made by our researchers.

Initiatives to Improve Healthcare Literacy

In 2022, the initiative’s first year, we focused on the social issue of women’s health and held seminars and exchanged opinions with obstetricians and gynecologists, Femtech*1 researchers and healthcare affiliates on topics such as physical changes that occur during a woman’s lifetime, menopausal symptoms, pregnancy, childbirth and infertility treatments. From 2023 onward, seminars will be held on men’s health issues as well, with the aim of improving healthcare literacy regardless of age or gender.
*1 A term coined by combining the words “Female” and “Technology” that refers to products and services that solve specific health issues for women.

A seminar co-hosted with healthcare affiliated organizations

Initiatives to Improve Career Literacy

In today’s world of diversifying values and life stages, we believe that in order for everyone to be able to work and live their lives to the fullest, it is important for each individual to envision their own career and act toward its realization. Therefore, we conducted four major seminars and workshops to make sure each employee is able to autonomously draw an action plan to realize their dreams while keeping an open mind and without being overly swayed by sudden changes from life events.

1) Exposure: Participants are exposed to new career ideas though lectures given by our in-house career consultants.

2) Explore: Through interactions with employees with a variety of career experience, each and every participant gains the building blocks they need to envision their dream career.

3) Draw: Participants set a course for their life through IKIGAI Work,*2 which is garnering attention around the world, and verbalize their first step toward realizing their dreams.

4) Simulated Experience:*3 Through board games, participants consider their values and direction in life, gain new insights and search for their own “center” by conducting dialogue with others.

*2 Work that helps one explore their own unique career path by extrapolating the elements of ikigai: what one likes, what one excels at, what one can contribute to people and the world and what one can be rewarded for. Ikigai is a concept that has garnered global attention as the secret of Japan’s longevity.
*3 Conducted in collaboration with Hakuhodo kyarijoken-plus.

Participants during a simulated experience workshop

Results of Past Initiatives

Many employees have participated in the program, and in post-participation surveys, the program has received a satisfaction rating of 85% or higher each time.


In addition, this initiative received the Promotion Award at the Women’s Health Management Awards® 2023 conducted by the Women’s Healthcare Awareness & Menopause Network Society, which recognizes corporations and organizations that are actively involved in women’s health perspectives and women’s health management for their achievements.*4
*4 Lion R&D Headquarters Receives Promotion Award from Women’s Health Management Awards® (Japanese only).

Moving forward, we hope to add more information to the report to elicit broad compassion and spur action, which will result in a better comprehension and proactive support from individuals in their immediate vicinity. Working together with other companies that share our concerns will also help us contribute to the well-being of society as a whole.
