Lion R&D continues to work diligently, pursuing not only new product development, but also the further evolution of the fundamental research that supports such products.
Lion’s proprietary evaluation technology and commitment to quality in fragrance, including natural mint, have been passed on to our researchers as part of our DNA since our founding.
In addition to enhancing products to meet preferences and improve ease of use, fragrance plays a role in creating a functional value that conveys product features and emotional value that resonates with customers. To design and develop such experience-based values, we place the highest priority on understanding consumers, and focus on psychological research and global trends on a daily basis.
In recent years, we have been developing new flavors for children using our proprietary mint technology in the hope that they will acquire good oral healthcare habits and grow up healthy as well as that toothbrushing will become a time to deepen the parent-child bond.
The Safety Science Research Division is responsible for confirming product safety and collecting safety information from the product development stage through the post-marketing stage. We play an important role in ensuring the safety and security of all those who use our products.
Lion offers high-level evidence-based safety evaluations that draw on a vast wealth of safety information accumulated through many years of product development and the implementation of global-standard safety evaluation technologies.
We are also actively taking on the challenge of developing new evaluation methods. Examples include the development of evaluation methods that make full use of technology to extrapolate results based on past test information and the establishment of new test methods in fields where alternatives have yet to be established. These efforts are also supporting the development of evaluation techniques that do not involve the use of animals.
Lion has a long history of microbiological research, including the successful mass production of penicillin at the Kobayashi Bacteriology Laboratories,* which was triggered by research on oral bacteria. We have expanded to the microbes in the house and the body, and have recently utilized next-generation sequencers to gain new insights into the bacteria that cause odors and the relationship between oral flora and gum disease. We are also developing technologies to kill, suppress, inactivate and remove bacteria, fungi and viruses, as well as infection risk simulations.
*A predecessor of one of Lion’s research centers
Since the launch of LionToothpowder in 1896, Lion has consistently contributed to the establishment of toothbrushing habits. Throughout our history, we have developed products based on evidence through the skillful use of ingredients, clinical studies to prove efficacy, and the introduction of the most advance evaluation equipment.
Currently, we are developing new technologies and obtaining evidence to help more people keep their teeth beautiful and healthy, with a focus on the benefits these developments can provide for consumers.
Analytical science is an important fundamental technology that contributes to all kinds of research and development, from the identification of unknown components and functional ingredients to hypothesis testing of their effects, and even the elucidation of biological phenomena.
Recently, we have been working to elucidate biological phenomena by making full use of metabolomics technology,* aiming to fundamentally control physical disorders that differ between individuals. We hope to discover metabolites that indicate intervention points for malfunction control and thus provide new, preventive habits.
*Comprehensive analysis of metabolites in living organisms.