
Lion at a Glance

Management Vision: Becoming an advanced daily healthcare company

We will realize “healthy minds and bodies for all, ” through the “ReDesign” of the everyday rituals to become more natural, easy and enjoyable. To this end, we will create “customer experience-based value” in the areas of health, comfort and cleanliness.
By providing advanced daily healthcare and thereby being a leader in fostering people's contentment from a new perspective, the Lion Group aims to increase corporate value and help build a sustainable society.

Medium-Term Management Plan: The LIVE Plan

Aiming to achieve the management vision, we will implement a medium-term management plan, the LION Value Evolution Plan (LIVE Plan), over the three-year period of 2018 to 2020.
Under the theme of evolving into a leading advanced daily healthcare company, we will advance long-term, future-oriented growth initiatives and framework-building efforts in and outside Japan while further accelerating improvements to management efficiency to reinforce the earnings structure.

Basic Strategies

(1) Expand and Evolve our Business Domains through New Value Creation

Creating new combinations of various technologies and services, we will create new business value that realizes “healthy minds and bodies for all”.

  1. Oral-to-Body Solution
    We aim for expansion and evolution that will create an “oral health care business” in which oral care contributes to whole-body health care.
  2. Daily Self-Care Enhancement
    We will work toward evolution aimed at creating a health care business that will, in turn, “ReDesign” daily living to create healthful habits that help enhance QOL.
  3. Infotech Health Support
    We will create new health care business models that leverage cutting-edge technologies, such as IoT and AI.

(2) Accelerate Growth in Overseas Businesses through Glocalization

Focusing on growing markets in Asia, we will integrate globalization and localization approaches to create unique competitive advantages and thereby expand the scale of our businesses and the areas in which we operate.

  1. We will evolve Group management by reinforcing regional management.
  2. We will aim for business area expansion based on e-commerce channels and M&A.

(3) Reinforce Our Management Base through Business Structure Reform

By improving management infrastructure and revising the business portfolio to stay ahead of changes in the environment, we will reinforce our management base to enable sustainable business growth.

  1. We will reinforce investment in the flexible, efficient manufacturing infrastructure that will drive business growth.
  2. We will build more advanced and sustainable supply chains.
  3. We will reinforce information system foundations to promote more sophisticated Group management.
  4. We will advance revisions of business fields and the Group structure to improve the efficiency of management resources and business activities.

(4) Create Dynamism to Foster Innovative Change

We aim to foster corporate strength that will win out over global competition by promoting diversity and openness in our human resources, organizations and corporate culture.

  1. We will create human dynamism by utilizing diverse human resources.
  2. We will create organizational dynamism that fosters ambition and creativity through open innovation.
  3. We will create management dynamism through environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives and the reinforcement of health and productivity management.

Performance Targets

Our consolidated performance targets for 2020 are ¥400 billion in net sales, ¥40 billion in operating income and an operating income ratio of 10%.
(The Lion Group is applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to its reporting from the first quarter of 2018 onward.)
