Upholding its founding spirit of “benefiting society through its business activities,” Lion, in addition to pursuing economic development, has long considered its impact on the environment and society and worked to address related issues through its business activities.
At present, we are tackling key management issues to reduce risks and achieve our management vision for 2030 of “Becoming an advanced daily healthcare company.” At the same time, we are practicing management driven by our purpose, “Make a difference in everyday lives by redesigning habits: ReDesign.”
Lion focuses on sustainability for itself and for the world in terms of environmental, social, and economic factors. A sustainable company is one that considers not only economic development, but also social and environmental impacts as it implements ongoing business activities based on long-term strategy.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of common goals for 2030 established by the United Nations (UN) aimed at the realization of a sustainable world.
The Lion Group’s contribution will mainly be to the realization of SDG 3, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” through its products and services. At the same time, by pursuing initiatives aimed at realizing the Vision 2030 long-term strategic framework, we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable world, the ultimate goal of the SDGs.
In order to promote sustainable management, until 2020 we held the Sustainability Promotion Meeting, comprising all executive directors, including the president, and related departments. In 2021, we revised the Sustainability Promotion Council, convening twice a year.
We have established the E, S and G subcommittees under the council, each headed by an executive officer, to promote and monitor initiatives for the Sustainability Material Issues. Decisions made by the council are shared with the Executive Committee and, as necessary, presented to and discussed by the Executive Management Board and the Board of Directors, before being reflected in the business activities of the business execution departments.
Expectations for Evolving Sustainability Management
The Audit & Supervisory Board makes sustainability a priority theme each fiscal year. I have been working in the field of sustainability for many years. As such, I look at how issues related to the environment (E) as well as people and society (S) are decided upon in the Lion Group (i.e., governance (G)), including decisions by the Board of Directors. The Sustainability Promotion Council is an extremely important body as it gives specific instructions with regard to sustainability issues and demonstrates leadership in dealing with investments, risk and progress management, among other issues. The president, the director in charge of sustainability, directors responsible for other areas and executive officers in charge of operations are all driven by the same purpose. As they are serious about their work, conflict can sometimes arise. However, I am encouraged by the fact that the more often we meet, the more often we are able to come up with various innovative ideas. Going forward, there is urgent need to disclose non-financial information more effectively. This is due to the growing realization that addressing ESG-related issues is directly connected to corporate value over the medium to long term. Our challenge will be to convey to society and the market what it is that Lion does and the ways in which it contributes to a sustainable society by redesigning habits.