Sustainability Material Issues 1 Promoting Environmental Initiatives for a Sustainable Planet
We at the Lion Group believe it is our solemn responsibility to provide excellent customer experiences in the areas of health, comfort and cleanliness while protecting the global environment—the foundation of health and daily living—in accordance with our aim of “Becoming an advanced daily healthcare company.”
We have strived to realize a sustainable planet while working to achieve the targets of Eco Vision 2020.
From 2021, we will strive to achieve LION Eco Challenge 2050, a set of long-term environmental objectives formulated in 2019. Going forward, the Group will ambitiously work toward the realization of a decarbonized, resource-circulating society.
In line with the corporate slogan, “” we have written “Lion and the Environment” to encapsulate our commitment to the environment, expressing our aim of reducing environmental burden not only through our business activities, but through our products as well, while making every day brighter for each individual.
Lion and the Environment
Making daily life more pleasant should also mean caring for the environment.
Each everyday activity can do good things for our planet.
That’s Lion’s eco-philosophy. It’s why we make environment-friendly products that fit right into your
For example, we use renewable plant-derived carbon-neutral ingredients.
And we help you conserve water resources with our water-saving products while protecting the water
So, day by day, without even thinking about it, you help keep our planet healthy.
It’s an eco-lifestyle for everyday life.
That’s Lion's promise to you and the Earth.
Environmental Approach and Policy / Management
Environmental Objectives and Achievements
ESG Data and Third-Party Verification
Disclosure based on TCFD recommendations