
Together with Employees Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Sustainability Material Issue 3 Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Enable human resources with diverse values and ideas to fully express their individuality and abilities and succeed professionally.

Indicators (2030)
  • Percentage of female employees in management ⇒30% or more
  • Employees who feel that employees with diverse values are able to succeed professionally ⇒80% or more
(2023 results)
  • Percentage of female employees in management: 24%
  • Employees who feel as above: 56% (Japan)
Globally Common Measures to 2030
  • Provide opportunities for employees to deepen their understanding of diverse values.
  • Create systems and mechanisms for diverse human resources to succeed professionally.

Deepening Understanding of the Importance of Diversity and Inclusion

The Lion Group is promoting diversity and inclusion in order to improve the creativity of its business activities.

TTo maintain the sense of urgency required to create new value and address life and social issues, it is necessary to maximize the varied knowledge and experience of our diverse human resources so they are equipped to generate new ideas and innovations. We will create an environment and foster a corporate culture in which employees with diverse values and perspectives, regardless of nationality, gender or other attributes, respect each other and can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities. Currently, a team responsible for diversity within the Human Resources Development Center is implementing a variety of measures to this end.

Since 2022, Lion has held workshops on unconscious bias for senior management and department heads. The workshops helped participants gain a proper, deeper understanding of diversity and inclusion, and discussed how everyone holds biases and the effects and issues they can cause.

Since 2023, we have expanded the workshop for managers. Additionally, 96% of employees took an e-learning course. We are extending education to each and every employee, encouraging mutual acceptance and creating an organization in which diverse and varied human resources can play an active role.

Unconscious bias workshop

Promoting the Professional Participation and Advancement of Women

Lion recognizes that the professional participation and advancement of women is indispensable to the further enhancement of corporate value and is proactively implementing measures to promote the professional engagement of women.

Based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace passed by the Japanese Diet in 2016, we are implementing measures to enable the long-term professional participation of women. These include expanding our childcare-related programs and implementing measures to support employees balancing childcare obligations with work.

To narrow the gap in compensation between men and women, we provide each employee with learning and fair growth opportunities while also providing training for evaluators aimed at ensuring that gender discrimination and unconscious bias do not affect their judgement of employees with regard to their education and training, care work responsibilities (i.e., home and childcare) and work experience. In March 2020, we endorsed and participated in the activities of “30% Club Japan,”*1 a campaign targeting boards of directors comprising 30% women. The club provides opportunities to participate in meetings with other companies to exchange opinions on women’s activities and programs that encourage young women to think about their careers.

In addition, from 2022, we have launched a mentoring program and empowerment seminars to support the development of female leaders and diverse career advancement.Due to the provision of expert mentors from outside the Company, the building of internal and external networks, and the introduction of programs to consider and taking part in leadership activities and challenges that are unique to them, more than 80% of participants have experienced positive changes in their own awareness and behavior.

As a result of these efforts, the percentage of female employees in management positions*2 on a non-consolidated basis rose to 16.4% (as of the end of 2023).

Looking toward 2030, we aim to advance the professional development and promotion of women on a Group-wide basis, targeting a rate of women in management of at least 30% for the Group and at least 35% for Lion Corporation.

Lion’s Action plans based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace and its Declaration are available on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s portal site for information about positive action to promote women’s participation and advancement in the workplace.

Women’s Leadership Development workshop’s Empowerment Seminar

*1 Japan chapter of a global campaign founded in the United Kingdom in 2010 with the goal of increasing the percentage of women in key decision-making bodies, including boards of directors, to 30%.

*2 Personnel holding managerial positions at the level of manager or higher

Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace General Employer Action Plan

Lion Corporation

Lion Corporate has established the following action plan in order to create environments in which employees with diverse work styles and values can participate and advance, regardless of such factors as nationality, gender or age, and to further increase opportunities for value creation.

  1. Plan duration: May 1, 2021 to December 31, 2030
  2. Challenges we face:
    • Closing the gap in the proportion of men and women in management positions
    • Creating a corporate culture that respects and leverages diversity
  3. Action plan

    Target 1: A rate of women in management* of at least 35% by the end of 2030

    From 2021:

    • Revise evaluation systems to promote the professional participation and advancement of both men and women
    • Build a career support system that eliminates bias and enables empowerment
    • (enhance the mentoring system, create development plans that account for life events, etc.)
    • Reinforce internal and external communication about management’s commitment to promoting women’s professional participation and advancement

    * At the level of manager or higher, in general

    Target 2: For 100% of eligible men to take childcare leave by the end of 2030

    From 2021:

    • Promote a shift in thinking toward leveraging diversity
    • Implement training on unconscious bias
    • Reinforce promotional activities to encourage the use of childcare leave
    • Provide opportunities for reflecting on employee diversity

Promotion of International Employees

As of the end of 2023, Japanese employees account for 44.9% of the 7,550 employees in the consolidated Group. At overseas Group companies, employees native to those various countries and regions work closely with Asian consumers, proposing better practices and other activities. In Japan, foreign nationals comprise 1.7% of the total number of employees and 0.7% of the total number of managers. We aim to raise the ratio of foreign nationals in management positions to equal that in the total workforce by 2030. These efforts to promote the appointment of international employees are aimed at the achievement of business growth through the realization of a varied and diverse workforce.

Promotion of Mid-Career Hires

In order to further develop our current and new businesses, we are actively hiring and promoting mid-career hires who have experience, skills and expertise not previously available in the Company.

As a result of activities based on the recruitment plan for new graduates and mid-career hires in the medium-term human resources plan, the rate of mid-career employees hired during the three-year period from January 2021 to December 2023 was 41.8%. Furthermore, we are actively re-recruiting people who once left the Company for such reasons as career advancement or family circumstances.

As of December 31, 2023, the rate of mid-career hires to the total number of employees was 23.5%. The rate of mid-career hires in management positions was 11.6%, and we aim to have the same level of mid-career hires in management positions by 2030 as traditional employees.

* Employees of the Company (excluding temporary employees, etc.)

Promoting the Hiring and Activities of People with Disabilities

Lion recruits people with disabilities year-round. We are committed to creating a work environment that allows people with disabilities to make the most of their individual skills while providing thoughtful employment that matches their abilities.

In April 2016, we established the special subsidiary Lion Tomoni Co., Ltd. as a workplace where people with disabilities who are willing to work can make the most of their individuality and work with stability. The business activities of Lion Tomoni help streamline and rationalize Group operations.

Lion Tomoni Co., Ltd.’s 36 employees with disabilities and ten instructors (as of March 31, 2024) engage in a wide variety of operations, such as cleaning the employee cafeteria and washing laboratory ware, preparing business cards and employee badges, and operating a stationery reuse service. Under the four promises of “safety first,” “act wholeheartedly,” “energetic greetings” and “demonstrating teamwork,” Lion Tomoni will continue to promote the hiring and professional participation of people with disabilities.

Cafeteria cleaning and washing laboratory ware

Diverse Work Styles

Support Systems for Accompanying Spouses on Work Transfer

A system was introduced to reduce anxiety regarding career continuity due to a spouse’s relocation as well as to create an environment in which employees can positively work toward career improvement. Depending on one’s career plan and family situation, employees can choose from three options: change their work location, take a leave of absence for up to three years to accompany their spouse or resign from the Company with the option of being rehired within five years (guaranteed re-entry).

Retired Employee Re-Hiring System

In 2024, Lion revised its system to reflect the results of personnel evaluations in compensation for re-hired employees, just as in the case of current employees, in order to encourage employees to actively train and pass on their knowledge, skills, and experience to the next generation while utilizing the knowledge, skills, and experience they have accumulated to date. In addition, through such programs as career design seminars for employees in their 50s and system briefings three years prior to retirement, we provide employees with opportunities from a relatively early stage to take a longer-term perspective when considering their careers, allowing them to work toward career goals they set themselves and to gain a sense of fulfillment. When rehiring employees, we strive to promote an understanding of roles they are expected to fulfill through interviews with their superiors, thereby creating an environment in which employees can remain highly motivated even after retirement.

System for Re-Hiring Former Employees

Lion has established a system to re-hire former employees who have voluntarily resigned so that they might leverage their diverse life and career experience and knowledge in working at Lion again.

Employee Data
