
Creating Healthy Living Habits The Oral Health Event of Tooth Brushing for Children in Japan and other countries (mainly in Asia)

In order to maintain lifelong dental and oral health, it is important to establish proper oral care habits early on. Placing emphasis on fostering elementary school students’ awareness of dental and oral health, Lion has held the Oral Health Event of Tooth Brushing for Children since 1932, in cooperation with the Lion Foundation for Dental Health (LDH). The event is held every year during dental/oral health week, from June 4 to 10.

2023 marked the 80th year of this event. Instead of holding a single event via live webcast, as in recent years, a more flexible format was adopted. Schools in Japan could participate on any day by using a 45-minute educational DVD. In 2023, approximately 270,000 children at 4,934 schools participated.

The annual event is held in Japan as well as other countries, mainly in Asia.

