
Creating Healthy Living Habits Activities at Lion Daily Necessities Chemicals (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.

Oral Health Care

1 Oral Care Awareness Activities for Children in Collaboration with Dental Clinics and Educational Institutions

Lion Daily Necessities Chemicals (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. (“QDL”) has conducted oral care educational activities in cooperation with 213 dental clinics and educational institutions in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Jiangsu for the purpose of educating people on oral hygiene. This educational activity was designed to help children aged 0-12 understand the importance of brushing their teeth, and provided KODOMO brand toothpaste sets sold by QDL. Approximately 300,000 children learned the importance of tooth brushing.

Photos from an oral care awareness activity

2 Oral Care Education Activities in Collaboration with IBQ Dental Clinic

QDL, in collaboration with IBQ Dental Clinic in Shanghai, presented “LION first class,” an educational program on the subject of oral care, from January to December 2023. The program introduced oral care products sold by QDL, helping spark interest in such products and thereby creating potential customers. Also highlighted were creative displays designed to help find the right oral care products. Home oral care is important to dental health and this program provided a fun experience that helped participants get a sense of that importance.

Photos from an oral care educational activity

3 Product Promotion at NEOBIO Parent-Child Paradise

A mouthwash promotion display was set up at NEOBIO, a major science amusement park, from January to December 2022, welcoming 36,000 families with children aged 3 to 10. Using mouthwash is a very important habit that helps people maintain a clean mouth. Pocket-size samples of NONIO mouthwash were placed in the park’s restrooms, giving visiting families the opportunity to try it for themselves. In addition to Shanghai, this promotion was rolled out in Wenzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Changsha, Hangzhou, Xi’an, Chongqing, Ningbo, Nanjing and Suzhou.

A park restroom where pocket-size samples of NONIO mouthwash were offered

4 Oral Care Education Program for Expectant Mothers at MMBang Mother Care Institution

Due to fluctuating hormones during pregnancy, expectant mothers are more prone to dry mouth than other women. To assist with oral care during this special time, bottles of NONIO Mouth Spray, an oral care product sold by QDL, were distributed to 20,000 expectant mothers at MMBang, a care facility for soon-to-be mothers, from January to December 2022. This promotional activity was conducted in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Guangzhou to raise awareness of the importance of oral care among pregnant women.

An expectant mother and a healthcare worker hold up packages of NONIO Mouth Spray

5 Supporting Maternity Classes

Since 2013, maternity classes have been held annually at about 200 obstetrics and gynecology clinics located in 15 cities in China. The maternity classes are conducted for soon-to-be mothers to support them as they prepare to give birth. The maternity classes include periodic lectures on oral care during pregnancy, as expectant mothers tend to be especially susceptible to oral health issues.

QDL supports these lectures by providing oral care products and information on correct oral care to the clinics.

Lecture at the Maternity Class
Oral care gift sets were provided to expectant mothers

6 Raising the Oral Care Awareness of Expectant Mothers

In every district of Shanghai, expectant mothers who have reached the third month of pregnancy are required to register personal information regarding their pregnancy and birth plans at a community hygiene health care center in their towns.
QDL cooperates with the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, a municipal government department, to promote the importance of oral care during pregnancy. Oral care gift sets that contain leaflets titled “Oral Care Directions for Soon-to-Be Mothers” and Systema toothbrushes and toothpaste (both products sold by QDL) are distributed to expectant mothers who come to health care centers to register. The oral care gift sets have been provided to about 300,000 expectant mothers every year from 2014 to 2017.

Oral care gift sets given to expectant mothers (left)
Leaflet titled “Oral Care Directions for Soon-to-Be Mothers” (right)
Handing out the oral care gift set

7 Oral Health Event of Tooth Brushing for Children

The Lion Group places emphasis on fostering children’s awareness of dental and oral health in order to help them stay healthy for a lifetime. Aiming to teach correct oral care to elementary school students, the Lion Group has held the Oral Health Event of Tooth Brushing for Children since 1932. Currently, the event is held annually in Asia.

QDL has held the Oral Health Event of Tooth Brushing for Children since 2017. In 2021, about 30 students from Japanese elementary schools in Shenzhen and Qingdao participated in the events held in June and November. An educational DVD and oral care sets (including an event booklet, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and mirror) were sent to the participating schools in advance. Using the distributed oral care sets, the students learned the causes of cavities and how to properly use toothbrush and dental floss.


1 Hand Washing Promotion for Children at Educational Institutions

QDL is promoting the importance of hand washing among children ages three and up at various educational institutions in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Jinan, Qingdao and Wuhan. With the hope of making hand washing fun for children, QDL provides KireiKirei hand soap (a product it sells) and posts the “Happy Hand Washing” slogan and stickers showing correct hand washing steps at hand washing sinks.

In 2023, this activity was conducted in 220 educational institutions, teaching more than 220,000 children correct hand washing methods.

Hand soap installations and promotional materials at each facility

2 Hand Washing Activities at Kindergartens

In Shanghai, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, children are encouraged to wash their hands before entering the kindergarten building. As a support measure, QDL has supported hand washing activities aimed at children ages three to six in kindergartens in Shanghai since 2016.
QDL provides KireiKirei hand soaps (a product it sells) to kindergartens for children to use at hand washing sinks. Moreover, QDL supports the hand washing classes conducted in kindergartens. In the hand washing classes, children are taught the importance of hand washing by their teacher, and every child receives a KireiKirei Health Diary, which contains instructions on correct hand washing techniques and timing.
In 2023, KireiKirei Health Diaries were distributed to approximately 76,000 children at 60 kindergartens.

Hand soap installations in a kindergarten

3 Awareness-Raising Videos about Hand Washing in Taxis

KireiKirei brand hand soap is sold in a number of countries and regions, including China, by Lion Group companies.
From April to October 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, QDL partnered with a taxi company in Shanghai to raise awareness about hand washing and hand sanitizing, using taxis as a way to reach a large number of people. When passengers boarded a taxi, screens mounted in the front seat backs played a video explaining correct hand washing techniques and promoting KireiKirei Hand Soap. The video not only provided information about the product, but communicated the importance of hand washing for preventing infection during a pandemic and correct hand washing techniques. This video ran in approximately 8,000 taxis, reaching around 70 million passengers. At the end of the video, the screens displayed a QR code linking to the major Chinese e-commerce site JD; by visiting this link, consumers were able to easily purchase KireiKirei products

When passengers boarded the taxi, the video played, communicating the importance of hand washing for preventing infection

4 Raising Awareness of Health and Hand Washing at Hospitals in Shanghai

QDL has posted hand washing wall-posters featuring KireiKirei illustrations in hospitals to raise awareness of health and hand washing among children and their parents and promote healthy living since 2018. These posters depict correct hand washing practices.
In 2020, these posters were put up at a new hospital in Shanghai, and approximately 250,000 families had the chance to learn from them. Also, QDL provides KireiKirei samples so visitors can try using it and practice correct hand washing techniques.

KireiKirei illustrations to raise awareness of the connection between health and hand washing at hospitals

5 Setting up the LION’s Wonderful House in Big Parks in Shanghai

In Shanghai, spring and autumn are the most popular seasons to spend time outdoors, and many people gather at parks. However, there are not many places at such venues for people to wash their hands before eating and drinking.
Since 2016, QDL has set up the Hand Washing House at key times of year in big parks in Shanghai. Users of the Hand Washing House are taught how to wash their hands correctly, and KireiKirei Health Diaries, containing instructions on correct hand washing techniques and timing, are distributed to all participants.
In 2019, the Hand Washing House was updated to become LION’s Wonderful House. This limited-time event aimed to teach visitors about the merits of QDL’s products. In addition to conventional KireiKirei hand soap, the house had exhibition booths promoting such oral care products and brands as the KODOMO brand. Furthermore, to offer a more comprehensive look at house cleaning lifestyle options, QDL expanded the display area to include household products for fabric care and living care, such as TOP brand items. Staff encouraged visitors to try the product samples and explained the products’ key functions and features. If, after being given the chance to browse all the products, visitors chose to buy a QDL product through its website, they were given the chance to play the Interactive Gachapon Machine,* which gives good odds on winning QDL products. These park events reached appropriately 70,000 park visitors.

LION’s Wonderful House in a big park
Visitors trying TOP & KODOMO products
Interactive Gachapon Machine

* Interactive Gachapon Machine
How to play:
1. Visitors throw a big coin into the hole of the lower green box.
2. A pink or blue capsule containing papers will fall from the upper space automatically.
3. After opening the capsule, visitors can get a gift card for the QDL product named on the paper.
4. With this card in hand, visitors can go to the lottery desk to get the appropriate gift on the spot.

Donation Activities

To fulfill its corporate social responsibility, QDL, as a hygiene product manufacturer, actively engaged in social contribution activities, such as in-kind donations of hygiene products sold by the company.

Donations for children undergoing medical treatment

Period From September 2023
Outside collaborators AI YOU Foundation
JD Public Welfare
JD Health and JD Finance
Donations Donation of 200,000 RMB and KODOMO brand products (worth 10,000 RMB) to the AI YOU Foundation for infants and orphans undergoing medical treatment
Details For National Teeth Day in China, QDL’s KODOMO brand team donated its products and cash to “Love Smile,” a public health event for children receiving medical treatment.
Event in collaboration with the AI YOU Foundation
Donated Products, KODOMO, sold by QDL
