
Creating Healthy Living Habits Activities at Lion Kallol Limited


Raising Hygiene Habit Awareness in Bangladeshi Elementary Schools

Establishing hygienic habits is a significant social issue in Bangladesh since, in addition to its hot and humid climate, a number of communities lack proper sanitation. Therefore, the Lion Group participates in educational programs for general consumers under the Project for Strengthening the Inspection, Regulatory and Coordinating Function of the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA), which has been developed by Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) and the BFSA to educate Bangladeshi elementary school students about good hand washing and hygiene habits related to food safety.

In this project, training on awareness-raising activities is provided to elementary school teachers, and those teachers are expected to develop educational hygiene activities that target not only students but their parents and the local communities each elementary school serves, thereby ensuring the project’s sustainability. Stories with large illustrations and card games help children learn proper hygiene habits in a fun way.

The illustrations used in the stories are supervised by Dhaka University and are well received by teachers for their ease of understanding. In 2023, teachers and 24,233 elementary school students from all 539 elementary school in the Narayanganj district participated in this activity. In 2024, we will further expand the scale of our activities in order to spread good hygiene habits to as many people as possible in Bangladesh.

A story with large illustrations are read to children
Educational hygiene habit activities
