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Together with supply ChainsTogether with Supply Chains

Sustainability Material Issues 9 Building Responsible Supply Chain Management

Implement sustainable procurement with zero tolerance for human rights and labor problems (including child labor and forced labor) or environmental destruction in line with the Sustainable Material Procurement Policy and Lion Group Supplier CSR Guidelines.


Basic Approach

The Lion Group regards the creation of responsible supply chain management through reinforced coordination with materials manufacturers and production contractors as a key issue in its supply chain initiatives. To reduce the negative environmental and social impacts of business activities and advance sustainable mutual business development, we must work with suppliers to evolve our sustainably initiatives based on our Procurement Principles. These principles clearly lay out Lion’s policy of considering legal compliance, environmental conservation and respect for human rights when selecting suppliers.
Furthermore, Lion recognizes the importance of promoting the sustainable procurement of palm oil, a key plant-based raw material for the Company, and is advancing initiatives to that end.

Instituting the LION Anti-Bribery Principles

The Lion Group established the LION Anti-Bribery Principles in January 2019 in light of developments around the world related to strengthening legal regulations against acts of bribery and corruption.
Going forward, we will continue working to ensure that our business activities are fully compliant with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we do business.

Overview and Implementation Framework

Lion’s Supply Chains

