
Notice Regarding Disclosures Based on the TCFD Recommendations

Mar. 31, 2023 Sustainability


Lion Corporation (President: Masayuki Takemori) has disclosed information based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures(TCFD*).


In May 2019, Lion endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). From October 2019 to January 2020, Lion took part in the Ministry of the Environment’s Project to Analyze Scenarios of Climate Risks and Opportunities in Accordance with TCFD, evaluating the financial impact on its operations of climate-related risks and opportunities.

Lion has expanded the scope of its analyses to encompass businesses, communities, product categories and supply chains, developing them into full scenario analyses, the results of which we will now disclose. For details, please visit the sustainability page of our corporate website.

In 2019, the Group formulated the LION Eco Challenge 2050, comprising long-term environmental objectives for 2050. Aiming to realize a decarbonized, resource-circulating society, we are working to solve issues related to decarbonization, plastics and water resources. Going forward, we will focus on various measures to address the risks and opportunities posed by climate change and aim to simultaneously contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and business development.

*A task force established at the behest of the G20 (a group of world leaders who address topics related to finance and the global economy) by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to enhance climate-related financial disclosure.

The TCFD website:

Related Information
• The Lion Group’s Initiatives to Address Climate Change
• Lion’s Sustainability
