
Sustainability Material Issues and Objectives for 2030

Identifying Material Issues

In 2020, the Lion Group applied the steps below to revise its list of Sustainability Material Issues to address over the coming decade in order to achieve its goals for 2030, including the realization of the management vision and contributing to the realization of the SDGs. These Sustainability Material Issues are relevant to both the Lion Group and society at large and, with the goal of helping to realize a healthy future for people and the planet, their choice was informed by broad business, environmental and social sustainability perspectives. In identifying these issues, we comprehensively considered the entire value chain and interests of Lion's stakeholders in order to understand the risks and opportunities each represents.

In particular, we have positioned “Creating Healthy Living Habits” and “Promoting Environmental Initiatives for a Sustainable Planet” as top priority material issues that we must invest management resources toward to secure a competitive advantage. In addition, we revised our objectives and other indicators in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and drastic changes in the social environment.

Our Approach to Identifying Sustainability Material Issues


Steps for Identifying Sustainability Material Issues


Risks and Opportunities Related to Sustainability Material Issues in the Value Chain

Lion has classified its Sustainability Material Issues as presenting either risks or opportunities based on considerations of the entire value chain and its stakeholders.


The Lion Group Sustainability Material Issues and Objectives for 2030

With an eye to achieving its management vision of “Becoming an advanced daily healthcare company” by 2030 and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of shared global goals for 2030, the Lion Group has established the Lion Group Sustainability Material Issues and objectives for 2030.

The Lion Group believes that it is crucial to take a longer-term perspective in order to ensure that it can continue to meet the needs of society and customers and grow its businesses. In 2021, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in the social environment, we revised our objectives and indicators. Aiming for a higher level of achievement, the 2030 objectives include quantitative indicators for evaluating our progress.

Taking an integrated approach that incorporates sustainability into management strategy, the Lion Group aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and achieve further business growth.

Sustainability Material Issues and Objectives for 2030

For a summary version ideal for getting a general overview and suitable for printing, please use the PDF version. For more detailed information, please use the web version.

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Promoting Environmental Initiatives for a Sustainable Planet

Material Issue 1
Top-Priority Material Issues


  1. Reduce CO2 emissions throughout business activities.
  2. Reduce CO2 emissions throughout product lifecycle.
  3. Achieve a CO2 emissions reduction effect in excess of Lion’s own emissions to help society become carbon negative.
  4. Actively promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and renewable resource activities.
  5. Reduce water usage throughout product lifecycle.

Creating Healthy Living Habits

Material Issue 2
Top-Priority Material Issues


  1. Provide opportunities for everyone to practice oral care whenever necessary and foster oral care habits to promote health for all.
  2. Promote the establishment of cleanliness and hygiene habits that prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body across all aspects of daily living, so that everyone can stay healthy.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Material Issue 3

Enable human resources with diverse values and ideas to fully express their individuality and abilities and succeed professionally.


Promoting Work-Life Enrichment

Material Issue 4

Create an environment that helps employees fulfill their ambitions through synergy between work and private life.


Developing Human Resources

Material Issue 5

Foster human resources who generate dynamism to realize innovative change by creating environments that enable all employees to exercise their diverse abilities to the fullest and embrace challenges.


Improving Employee Health

Material Issue 6

Support mental and physical healthcare for employees to reinforce Group human resources and achieve sustainable corporate growth.


Enhancing the Occupational Safety Management System

Material Issue 7

Enhance systems to ensure compliance with occupational safety and health laws and regulations and to enforce safety awareness thoroughly for the safety and peace of mind of employees and outside partners working on site.


Respecting Human Rights

Material Issue 8

Ensure respect for the human rights of all stakeholders affected by Group business activities, in line with the LION Human Rights Policy


Building Responsible Supply Chain Management

Material Issue 9

Implement sustainable procurement with zero tolerance for human rights and labor problems (including child labor and forced labor) or environmental destruction in line with the Sustainable Material Procurement Policy and Lion Group Supplier CSR Guidelines.


Pursuing Customer Satisfaction and Trust

Material Issue 10

Promote and reinforce customer-oriented business activities by improving customer support quality and the value of products and services.


Promoting Risk Management

Material Issue 11

Build a comprehensive and exhaustive risk management system for identifying and quickly and appropriately dealing with risks to achieve sustainable corporate growth.


Reinforcing Compliance

Material Issue 12

Reinforce effective initiatives to instill compliance awareness and thus earn and maintain the trust of society.


Enhancing Governance

Material Issue 13

Build a sound, fair, transparent and highly effective governance system to enable sustainable corporate value enhancement.

