人権 | 原則1:人権擁護の支持と尊重 |
原則2:人権侵害への非加担 | |
労働 | 原則3:結社の自由と団体交渉権の承認 |
原則4:強制労働の排除 | |
原則5:児童労働の実効的な廃止 | |
原則6:雇用と職業の差別撤廃 | |
環境 | 原則7:環境問題の予防的アプローチ |
原則8:環境に対する責任のイニシアティブ | |
原則9:環境にやさしい技術の開発と普及 | |
腐敗防止 | 原則10:強要や贈収賄を含むあらゆる形態の腐敗防止の取組み |
※1 ライオン株式会社のMSCI指数への組み入れ、及びMSCIのロゴ、商標、サービスマークまたは指数名の使用は、MSCIまたはその関連会社によるライオン株式会社への後援、推薦、販売促進には該当しません。MSCI指数は、MSCIの独占的財産であり、MCSIとMCSI指数の名称、及びロゴは、MSCIまたはその関連会社の商標もしくはサービスマークです。
※2 Morningstar, Inc., and/or one of its affiliated companies (individually and collectively, “Morningstar”) has authorized Lion Corporation to use of the Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Logo (“Logo”) to reflect the fact that, for the designated ranking year, Lion Corporation ranks in the top quintile of companies comprising the Morningstar® Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt IndexSM (“Index”) on the issue of gender diversity in the workplace. Morningstar is making the Logo available for use by Lion Corporation solely for informational purposes. Lion Corporation use of the Logo should not be construed as an endorsement by Morningstar of Lion Corporation or as a recommendation, offer or solicitation to purchase, sell or underwrite any security associated with Lion Corporation. The Index is designed to reflect gender diversity in the workplace in Japan, but Morningstar does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the Index or any data included in it. Morningstar makes no express or implied warranties regarding the Index or the Logo, and expressly disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the Index, any data included in it or the Logo. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Morningstar or any of its third party content providers have any liability for any damages (whether direct or indirect), arising from any party’s use or reliance on the Index or the Logo, even if Morningstar is notified of the possibility of such damages. The Morningstar name, Index name and the Logo are the trademarks or services marks of Morningstar, Inc. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.